Officers Save Baby Left In Hot Car By Gambling Father

By Ethan Cole on
 August 4, 2021

Leaving babies and animals in cars during the summer heat is incredibly dangerous. Officers frequently get calls to rescue both.


In Las Vegas, officers were called out to the Bighorn Casino. A woman had reported to security that a child was crying and lone inside a parked car.

When security arrived, they found a child inside the car with all but one window rolled up. According to investigators, the driver's side window was rolled down four inches.

Officers arrived at the parking lot at 10:19 p.m. Officer Cerda-Guzman and Sgt. Becky Salkoff pulled the baby from the car. Guzman's body camera shows Salkoff using cold water to lower the baby's body temperature.

Identifying The Father

The temperature was 100 degrees, with humidity at 14 percent. Mitchell Anthony Hooks approached the vehicle. He admitted to the officers that the car was his.

Initially, he told the officers that he just went inside to use the bathroom but later admitted that he went in to gamble.

He and his infant son had dropped the boy's sister off at a friend's house. Then he decided to go to the casino, a story that was corroborated by security footage. He arrived at 9:46 p.m. and went into the building.

Facing the Consquences

According to the police report written by Officer Osvaldo Cerda- Guzman, "Mitchell told me he shouldn’t have done what he did and that he deserved anything that was coming to him."

Guzman also wrote, "He went on to say that there was no excuse for it and no reason for it."

Hooks is being charged with child abuse or neglect and with leaving a child unattended in a car. His bail is set at $21,140.

EMTs looked over the baby, and his vitals and temperature seemed to be at normal levels. However, he was still taken to the hospital to be further evaluated.

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14 comments on “Officers Save Baby Left In Hot Car By Gambling Father”

  1. Another example of our evil, racist policemen, going over and beyond to take care of a precious baby. Lord, forgive us.

    1. Where are you coming from John? Praise God for good, compassionate non racist

      police who saw a child in trouble regardless of color and rescued him. Pray the father can recover from his addiction and be a wonderful daddy.

      1. Annette, John was being sarcastic. Meaning just the opposite of what he said. Must not be so literal. Gotta read betwix the lines and see the good, just like you are. God bless ya!

      2. Good Lord chick you are STUPID! Why don't you read before you talk, or maybe you are the A**hole father's sister. WOW!!!

  2. Hopefully he gets help from his addiction and the baby is taken better care of !!!!! He's right, there's no excuse for this !!!!
    Thank God for the woman reporting it and the officer's response !!!!!!

    1. Why am I NOT surprise! Morons like this should be CASTRATED, that will be the ONLY way to keep these POS from continuing to be irresponsible and have children they have NO INTENTION to care for. Shoot this useless POS NOW!

  3. God bless that policeman for finding that baby! His father should be held without bail in solitary confinement for a long as the men and woman who are being held for protesting on January 6th, and longer. He needs to be placed in a 100 degree cell with no water and the raise the humidity level so he understands what his baby suffered while he gambled...the pig that he is! No effing excuse!

    1. I freeze 32 oz. Water bottles and with all windows open .That water will thaw and become too warm to drink in the time it takes to fill my gas tank and pay for it. How in the hell are people so stupid that they leave children and pets in vehicles No matter what the temperatures may be.

  4. Too many people should not have children, or pets, leaving them in parked cars , to die as has happened far too often,this child was lucky !

  5. Thank God the poor little baby was saved!!! It is unthinkable what some parents do to their kids. The authorities should do the same thing to the stupid father...see how he likes it!

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