Police Officer Responds To Suicidal Man Dangling Over Highway

By Ethan Cole on
 February 18, 2022

Let's face it, Police officers deal with some insane situations. From domestic violence to homicide and everything in between, every shift is fraught with new dangers.

Unfortunately, many look at Law Enforcement and think that they can be replaced by social workers. This asinine theory will result in more deaths, both suspects and the social workers themselves.

An Atlanta Police Officer is proving that Law Enforcement can handle anything, even those experiencing a mental health crisis.

APD Sgt. Jason Combee arrived on the scene of a suicidal man dangling from a bridge over a busy highway. The man had called 911 and expressed intent to kill himself.

After a conversation with Combee, the man decided against ending his life. He agreed to be treated at a nearby hospital.

Sgt. Combee did what the vast majority of First Responders do every day, saving the lives of others.

Check out the body cam footage of the event and as always, let us know what you think in the comments below!

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3 comments on “Police Officer Responds To Suicidal Man Dangling Over Highway”

  1. It’s to bad someone would think they only have one way to fix their life’s problems and that is to end their life. If they would only bring god into their lives they might not feel that is the only way to fix things

    1. Ya know.....sometimes living just becomes so tiresome. On top of simply trying to get through every day life we also have special problems to deal with. I have at times been so depressed that I didn't want to take another breath. Saw nothing to live for. Could barely get out of bed. There were moments when all I could do was lay there sobbing "God help me." Eventually he did. And here I be to tell the tale and to encourage someone else who may pass through this comment section needing it. It took time for me to feel better. God sometimes will try our patience by doing things in his own time and not in ours. I admit I spent a lot of time wondering if he'd heard a word I'd prayed and hoping I could hold on until he did. But then I realized that he was indeed hearing and keeping me above the fray....holding me "fast till the storm passes by" over and over every day until I could actually stand on my own again. They say that God never gives us more than we can endure. But in reality what he does is more than that. It may take a little time doing things his way instead of ours. But in the he strengthens us so that we can endure whatever it is we're given. So when you go through hard times and feel like throwing in the towel remember this:

      God doesn't give us what we can handle.
      God helps us to handle whatever we're given.

      God bless you.

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