Police Officer In Critical Condition After Being Shot In The Head, Manhunt Underway For Shooter

By Ethan Cole on
 June 26, 2021

Daytona Beach Police Department is now searching for a man who shot one of their officers in the head. The suspect is 29-year old Othal Wallace.


Wallace was in a 2016 Honda HRV with California tags. According to a tweet Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood, " He should be considered armed and dangerous."

There is also a $100,000 reward for information on the suspect. Right before 9:00 p.m. an officer responded to a suspicious incident call on Kingston Avenue.

The officer was checking out the area on his radio, but became unresponsive to fellow officers. When back up arrived, he was lying on the ground, shot in the head.

He was taken to Halifax Health Medical Center and went straight into surgery according to the DBPD. He is in critical condition.

Shooting Incident

Parts of his bodycam footage was released to help put together the pieces of what happened. The footage shows the offiver walking up to Wallace's vehicle.

"How's it going?" he says. He proceeds to ask, "Do you live here?" Despite the officer asking Wallace to stay in his seat, he get out.

“Sir, come on now. Don’t do this. Why you asking me do I live here? What’s going on, though?”

Othal Wallace

Wallace appears to attempt to push the officer away and tells him to "back up." In a press conference Daytona Beach Police Chief Jakari Young says, " At some point, the suspect turns and shoots my officer one time in the head."

An Officer Fights For His Life

Jakari said the officer was in "grave" condition and referred to the gunman as a "coward."

“This cop is 26 years old… fighting for his life. Most of us are just starting to live at 26 years old. We are completely heartbroken by what took place.”

Chief Young

Over 500 officers are searching for Wallace. In his apartment, officers found firearms, magazines, boxes of ammunition, and three ballistic vests. The suspect also has six felony cases on his record, five in Volusia County and one in Brevard County.

With that many officers searching for Wallace, they are bound to find him quickly. Hopefully finding him can fill in the blanks of what happened.

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52 comments on “Police Officer In Critical Condition After Being Shot In The Head, Manhunt Underway For Shooter”

  1. Animals like this savage should be caged and executed. No trial necessary when video footage convicts.

    1. They should put a bullet in Wallace’s head and see how he likes it. This disgusting low life has no life.
      I pray that this young Policeman survives!

    2. A lawfully conducted trial is STILL our law...we are NOT Neanderthals any more and should NOT come to these conclusions. Lawfulness begets lawfulness...radicalism begets radicalism...unlawful behavior only begets unlawful criminals...FOLLOW THE REAL LAWS!!!

      1. Well no matter what the circumstances you goofball no one deserves a bullet to the head ! You must back the defund the police act ! What an idiot!

  2. Until criminals are punished and not live with all the conveniences in jails this madness with these cruel and selfless cowards will continue. If they know that jails will treat them like the criminals they are nothing will change.

    1. You are exactually right. There id no better deterrent to people breaking the law than enforcing the law, which is very seldom done anymore. It seems now they are more concerned about the welfare of the lawbreaker than they are the victim. This man had 6 felony convictions on his record? And he is still walking around, free as a bird? They found firearms, magazines, ammunition and bullet proof vests in his apartment? I thought you couldn't buy this stuff if you were a convicted felon. What do we need?More gun laws? Or do we need to enforce the laws we have?

      1. Gun laws only apply to the lawfully armed citizens and not criminals. Its obvious with 6 felonies that this guy doesn't adhere to the laws already written so what would make us think more laws will help? I'm sure you were being sarcastic with your reply about more laws but couldn't help add this just to quantify.

  3. The problem is that judges keep letting these coward animals walk with little or no punishment and no one is holding judges accountable for not doing their jobs

  4. Lets make sure there are public sculptures all over America for every
    police officer EVER KILLED IN THE LINE OF DUTY. Let us also show who the killer was.

  5. I know at this point in time, all police forces are struggling to hold it together, especially when talk of defunding and setting criminals free is at the top of the lists, no police officer should have to face any call alone. Crime is everywhere and as long as the criminal knows he can get away with it our men in Blue do not have a fighting chance. STOP THE CRIMINALS !

  6. If Derek Chauvin got 221/2 years for the death of George Floyd a drug addict , home invader , life long criminal resisting arrest . I would hope a fair and balance justice system would at least give Mr Wallace life in jail without the possibility of parole and if officer dies the death penalty justice for all.

    1. I agree our justice system leaves a lot to be desired. When we incarcerate a police officer for doing his job and reward a family with millions of dollars and make a criminal drug addict a hero something is definitely with our value system .

    2. You neglected to report that George Floyd had enough fentanyl in his system to kill three men and he was going to die even if Derek Chauvin had stayed home that day.

    3. Derek Chauvin was given a ridiculous amount of time in jail. Personally I think the whole thing was a set up. The compromised his life, the life of a Criminal and druggie, before the elections, to start Antifa and BLM. This may sound bizarre, but if you look into George Soro’s background, I wouldn’t put anything past him.
      They let murderers and other criminals out of jail in NY and other Cities and gave DC 22 1/2 yrs. This is a disgrace!

  7. Give him a fair trial and execute his tail that night.He does not deserve to live one second longer.

  8. This is where I agree with gun control! A 6 time felon found with multiple firearms shoots a Law Enforcement Officer. These types of cases is why public hangings should be brought back.

    1. There are already enough laws concerning felons owning guns, but those laws are APPARENTLY, NOT enforced.. You can make all the laws you want concerning guns, but if they’re not enforced they are useless.. Look are the cities that have the most gun laws!! (Chicago, Detroit) They also have the most gun crime!!

    2. When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. The gun Wallace had was not a legal purchase I'll guarantee that!

    3. Hes a criminal do you truly think a gun law or any law would have stopped him they didn't did they. A 45 on the other hand would have.

    4. This shows that gun control absolutely doesn't work! He didn't get that stuff legally. His type will always have access to guns, only the honest people will be without guns for protection.

    5. Gun laws only apply to the lawfully armed citizens and not criminals. Its obvious with 6 felonies that this guy doesn't adhere to the laws already written so what would make us think more laws will help?

  9. A 6X felon with multiple firearms, this is the type of gun control those idiots in Washington should be working on not the law abiding Americans that has guns or wants guns. Once convicted for shooting a Law Enforcement Officer and felon in possession of firearms this thuggish coward should be marched out to the front lawn where he is executed by public hanging?

  10. If officers are being criminally charged for doing their job and some being convicted then why are judges being charged for failure of doing their jobs and holding a felon accountable. Let’s clean out the TVs from all hail cells along with free time to lift weights, conjugal visits and cell phones. Make jail time a hardship for criminals. No more resort prisons. Unless it’s 6 feet under ground.

    We waste billions of tax dollars keeping these criminals alive... what about their victims, what do they get...nada...where is the justice?

  11. If officers are being criminally charged for doing their job and some being convicted then why aren’t judges being charged for failure of doing their jobs and holding a felon accountable. Let’s clean out the TVs from all jail cells along with free time to lift weights, conjugal visits and cell phones. Make jail time a hardship for criminals. No more resort prisons. Unless it’s 6 feet under ground.

    We waste billions of tax dollars keeping these criminals alive... what about their victims, what do they get...nada...where is the justice?

  12. This breaks my heart about this Police Officer who is fighting for his life because of this low life who shot him. I pray that he is found and hopefully suffers to the fullest extent, he is scum and doesn't deserve to live for this horrible act he did. I also pray the Officer survives and comes out of this with a full recovery. My prayers for his family, friends and fellow officers.

  13. BLM and Antifa are probably hoping they find him quickly and have to shoot him because he will probably resist arrest so they will have another excuse to riot and loot.

  14. This racist anti-police POS should be hung in public within a year from after his conviction of the attempted murder or murder of this Officer. Public Punishment is the only way to go to stop these that shoot our Officers.

  15. When caught, this “thug” will cry out “Racism” and will be set free. That’s what they are best at.

  16. Robinhood, only decent people get checked for firearms--people who have no criminal record, and are just trying to arm themselves against the savages running our country!!

  17. And yet the Marxist-controlled DOJ, FBI, White House, Marxist-indoctrinated civilians, and Marxist propagandists MSM, will cry out It is all white people's fault and "white supremacist terrorists are this nation's biggest threat." And more BLM and Antifa riots will ensue because a black criminal was caught. SMH!

    1. Doesn’t it seem the government is deliberately instigating people?? They deliberately do things to piss people off.. They release criminals, but prosecute police officers for doing their jobs.. They cheat at just about everything and when they’re caught they start calling people names and have them censored!! They open our borders and they threaten the stack the courts if they don’t get their way.. This is the dirtiest bunch of politicians I’ve ever seen in my 75 years!!!

  18. When they catch this Guy....... JUST TAKE HIM OUT BEHIND THE BARN...... FUNNY HOW HE WOULD NEVER BE SEEN AGAIN......THE PIECE OF S - - T...!!!

  19. When they catch this Guy....... JUST TAKE HIM OUT BEHIND THE BARN...... FUNNY HOW HE WOULD NEVER BE SEEN AGAIN......THE PIECE OF S - H - I - T...!!!

  20. NOT SAID BEFORE - THIS SITE IS HAMPERING THE LAW ALLOWING FREE SPEECH...THIS HAS NOT EVER BEEN SAID BY ME BEFORE!!!! A lawfully conducted trial is STILL our law...we are NOT Neanderthals any more and should NOT come to these conclusions. Lawfulness begets lawfulness...radicalism begets radicalism...unlawful behavior only begets unlawful criminals...FOLLOW THE REAL LAWS!!!

  21. Ok they want to take our guns away and that will make us safe lol here is a guy with 6 felonies and he has more guns and amunisun that the police dept.....

  22. Praying for this young police officer and his recovery ! Biden has been a RACIST since I was 11yrs old ,this ADMINISTRATION is totally racist, and not for Americans Rights ,Freedom
    They are controlling our Public schools and our Children's education .

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