Illegal Migrant Arrested After Crashing His Vehicle And Killing Washington State Trooper

 March 7, 2024

In a heart-wrenching incident early Saturday morning, a vibrant life was cut short on the cold asphalt of Interstate 5.

Washington State Trooper Christopher Gadd tragically lost his life while patrolling for reckless drivers when his patrol car was struck by an SUV driven by 33-year-old Raul Benitez Santana.

The Washington State Patrol community is mourning the loss of Trooper Gadd, an unwavering guardian of the roads he swore to protect. At only 27, Gadd was not just a dedicated officer but a beloved husband to his wife, Cammryn, and a devoted father to their two-year-old daughter, Kaelyn.

His untimely demise has left a void in the hearts of his family, friends, and colleagues.

Tragic Collision Leads to Legal and Immigration Turmoil

Raul Benitez Santana, the driver responsible for this tragedy, was under the influence at the time of the crash, with apparent bloodshot eyes and admission of consuming marijuana and alcohol before the accident.

Santana's illegal status in the United States and extensive criminal history, including driving with a suspended license and domestic violence assault, exacerbate the gravity of this event.

An official from Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirmed Santana's illegal entry into the U.S. from Mexico, noting his previous encounters with law enforcement for various offenses. Now, with vehicular homicide charges against him and a $1 million bail set, Santana faces serious legal consequences, alongside an immigration detainer ensuring he remains in custody.

A Glowing Tribute to a Fallen Hero

A memorial has emerged in honor of Trooper Gadd, with the community and his colleagues laying flowers on a patrol car designated for tributes. An online donation page has also been established to support Gadd's grieving family during this difficult time.

Chief of the Washington State Patrol John Batiste expressed the collective sorrow of the law enforcement community and the resolve to continue in service, honoring Trooper Gadd's memory. Batiste's poignant acknowledgment of the profession's inherent risks underscores the bravery with which Gadd served and the profound loss his passing represents.

John Batiste shared, highlighting the impact of Gadd's loss and the determination to honor him through continued service:

I can tell you that across the entire Washington State Patrol, every head is bowed, every knee is bent, and every heart is broken as we mourn this loss. To honor Chris, even in sorrow, we will go on. We will continue to serve. Because he did, we must.

Community and Family United in Grief

Christopher's mother, Gillian Gadd, expressed her appreciation for the overwhelming support the family has received in the wake of this tragedy. Her message of gratitude and comfort in the community's prayers and love reflects strength and unity in the face of loss.

The public's response to the incident includes profound sympathy and reflections on the fragility of life. Witness to the crash, Alex Assadi recounted the terrifying moment the gray SUV, driven by Santana and with no lights illuminated, sped past him at an estimated 100mph, leading to the catastrophic collision with Trooper Gadd's patrol car.

In court, Santana's lawyer contested the circumstances of the crash, suggesting that the visibility of Trooper Gadd's patrol car might have been compromised. However, this argument does little to mitigate the sense of injustice many feel, especially considering Santana's history and the consequences of his actions on that fateful night.


The tragic passing of Washington State Trooper Christopher Gadd underscores the dangers faced by first responders every day. His death not only highlights the personal loss suffered by his family and colleagues but also raises broader concerns about road safety, the impact of impaired driving, and the challenges of law enforcement in dealing with individuals with complex legal and immigration issues.

As the legal proceedings against Raul Benitez Santana continue, the community mourns a hero whose legacy of service and sacrifice will not be forgotten. The memorial established for Gadd and the immense outpouring of support for his family stands as a testament to the indelible mark he left on those he served and protected.

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